Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Description

Well dis description was certainly overdue. We've already had 2 posts (n unless some measures are taken, i'm afraid that could be it!! but i'm hopeful against it!)
Let me begin with d title - "Hamlets of a hamlet flock together!". Modern-day Hamlet that's what we all are! We almost always have an opinion on everthing..we kno wat was to be done, n where n who has erred. But almost as certainly, we wud stop at that. Why shud we bother to bell d cat?!
We'r 4 college frens, from d same college, working in d same company n putting up in d same house..but that's where d similarity ends! We differ in our likes-dislikes, priorities n opinions (or d lack of it!), n that's d best part of d whole arrangement (unless, i.e., d disparaties turn sour someday!)!! We are -
*Ankush - he's a real technocrat, speaks real sweet (that is d way he speaks. Content?! that's a different matter!), n yeah, a real brooder, he thinks a lot, wud like d life all planned (I luv to read n mock his daily time-tables)!!
*Ashwin - Reading is his life-line, n writing, a natural repurcussion (though a different passion is fast takin over his heart, or rather his lungs!). A no-problem guy for he'll never come-up with his own plan lest it contradicts urs(n not that he has none)!
* (Priyabrat) Padhi - he's called 'saab' for his aristocratic tastes! he sounds a practical man (wud never interfere in other's business unless called for, looks lost in his own, anywaz!), n i took him for that, until i got to kno d other him!!
* urs truly - n me! well i'm a self-centered person who loves to talk of himself (as my postings wud shamelessly reveal), n it's not that modesty forbids me, yet, u see, u wudn't like to hear me go at length in my own praise, n there's very little i find in me worth condemning!! So Ashwin has kindly agreed to give some insights on me in his next posting, but mind u, don't believe every word he has to say of me!!
As to the blog, it is to discuss our priorities, pour our feelings, note our broodings (ankush u listenin :)) n to give our expert opinions on each other n d world at large...
When I came up with d idea (pay attention, ‘I’ came up with d idea!!), I found support in Ashwin (writing is his passion n then d guy isn’t averse to such meanderings either). ‘Saab’, well he regards the idea to be another of my constant bullshits… but then he too doesn’t mind scribbling now-n-then (that I conclude from those large Orkut Testimonials he has written for his frens). He is subject to large mood-swings, n that makes me believe he may write a Post during one of d “high-tides”!! Now Ankush…well, he wud certainly have much to say (c’mon he thinks so much!), but d guy doesn’t regard writing as one of his many forte’, n a topper that he is, he may not like to enter a venture where he is unlikely (in his opinion) to excel. But he does have regards for relationships :), n he may agree to Post on our pleas! As for me, I wud love to write n have a lot to say, but lack patience, nevertheless, will make it a point that I do Post regularly…!!


Anonymous said...

I never knew u people had made a blog, it rocks as u people do.. single babu, aap kamaal ke ho..

Varun said...

Dear Rishabh
thx for d interest..we rock, but d blog has hardly shaken a leg for sometime now! but i sincerely hope, it will get over it..!!